Wednesday, 28 December 2011

Modelling Portfolio And A Webfolio

Whether you are a freelance model or signed up with an agency, you need a modeling portfolio to bring to the modeling auditions. It should include a variety of photographs - headshots, full-body shots, fashion and swimsuit photos - that will show your appearance and marketability. It's also very important to include a natural look photos so the agent will see the real you as well. It would be good if you wouldn't smile on all the photos but show also different expressions on your face to prove your flexibility.
Your modeling portfolio must look professional. Remember that the people in the modeling industry - photographers, graphic designers, casting directors, fashion editors, and fashion designers – are all very visually oriented.
Another thing worth mentioning is an online portfolio (a webfolio)
An online portfolio is a web page containing a model's information. It will include your headshots or full body photos, personal statistics (as age, height, shoe size etc), contact information, and when registered with an agency – the name of it. Many casting directors now go online to search for potential talent. If they like your online profile, you will be called in for the audition.

Follow the tips below to help make your modeling shoot a success.
  1. Punctuality is always important at every photo shoot.
  2. If you are not taking anyone with you to the photo shoot, let someone know where you are.
  3. Bring several outfits to showcase your many fashion styles.
  4. Take your own make-up to the photo shoot, even if there will be a make-up artist.
  5. Don't feel pressured to do anything that you do not feel comfortable with at a photo shoot.
  6. Make sure you are well-rested, especially if a lot of travel is involved. You need to look and feel rested and fresh.
  7. Always present yourself in a very professional manner whether it be your first or 100th photo shoot. Photographers are often well-connected in the modeling industry and reputation is important.
  8. Keep your modeling portfolio updated with the latest fashion and clothing trends. One image isn’t going to make you modeling career.
  9. Communicate with the photographer as much as possible. He/she should know all your expectations, suggestions, and ideas.
  10. After the photo shoot, get input on which photos are best. Not just from the photographer, but also from friends, family, your agent, and any other industry professional.

    Register with Candi Models and attend a test photoshoot which might give you your first portfolio!

Friday, 23 December 2011

Meet Candi Models Team: Neesha - A Wonderful Make Up Artist!

Today we would like to present you another excellent make up artist who is working with Candi Models – Neesha.

She also prepared a short message for you guys.


My name is Neesha and I work as a make up artist and hair stylist at Candi Models.

I've had a passion for a make-up for as long as I can remember.

No matter whether I'm working on a celebrity or a bride, at a corporate event on numerous people or focused on just one individual for a photoshoot make up I enjoy my work and ensure that my client does to. I keep up-to-date with latest looks, product ranges and application methods so that I can create exceptional results no matter what your skin tone, type or age.

As well as being a make up artist I am also qualified hair stylist so I can create a complex look for your photoshoots. I've been professional hair and make up artist for over 8 years now, with experience of working in many areas of the industry, also with celebrities.

I'm looking forward to work with you as well!

Thursday, 22 December 2011

Meet Candi Models Team: J Watson - A Photographer

Today one of our excellent photographers has prepared a message for you.
Unfortunetaly he was too shy to pose for a picture, he said he prefered to be at the other side of the camera...
If you want to meet him, you will have to come for a test photoshoot to work with him and his camera here at Candi Models:)

Hi Guys,

My name is J Watson. I am a studio photographer at Mint Brown Studios.
So far I have had such a great experience working with the UK Candi Models.
Some of the models have been really amazing and this only gives a photographer like myself the inspiration to produce some fantastic work.

Wednesday, 21 December 2011

Meet Candi Models Team: Aleysha - Our Fabulous Make Up Artist

Hello Everybody

Today we start our new series "Meet Candi Models Team" where we present who our team is so you can get to know us a bit better. 

The first person we would like to introduce you is Aleysha - our make up artist. 
She wrote some words about herself especially for you guys!

Hi I'm Aleysha
I'm make up artist at Candi Models.
I absolutely love my job and I'm super passionate about hairstyling and make up.
I love creating the perfect look for my clients to shine in their photoshoot - from beautiful natural looks, to sultry and glam editorial looks. I love having a chat with my clients and making them feel comfortable so they are at ease for their shoot. It's a really great feeling when they tell me how amazing their shoot went and how fab the pics were!

Please check out my website at

Look forward to seeing you:)

Tuesday, 20 December 2011

Friday, 16 December 2011

Ideal Woman Through the Decades

 Nowadays Marylin Monroe had to be on a drastic diet and if Angeline Jolie moved to the 50s she would directly must have gone to ER with the symptoms of starvation. The features which are to determine who is an icon of a beaty are changing every decade.
Let's have a look how the cannon of female beauty has changed during the decades.
Norma Jean was 166 cm high and had big hips and massive thighs. In 50s she was a sex symbol and even the image of perfect woman has been changed she still remains it!
Let's go to the 60s. Below you can see the top model of these times – Miss Twiggy. She dethroned Marylin Monroe. Her biggest attitudes were big eyes and narrow features of her face. She has been chosen a face of a year 1966 by magazine “Daily Express”. Some were admiring her petite figure, some were accusing her of promoting anorexia. She was not only a model – she became an actress and a singer as well. (from 2005 she is a member of jury in “America's Next Top Model”)
Jade Fonda became famous thanks to playing in Barbarella movie as a main character. She was sexy and tough. In the 70s she was on all the posters and millions of men admired her. She was the ideal body of the 70s. She has admitted she had some cosmetic surgeries done.
There was a little helper in setting a cannon of beauty in the 80s. It was a Barbie doll. The body size of the doll is impossible to reach by a normal woman yet thousands of women are trying to do everything to look like one. Barbie has been propagating an image of a blond in pink clothes. The celebrity who was trying to be like her the most was for example Britney Spears.
Let's move to the 90s. Here among thin, tall, symmetrical models we find Kate Moss. She's been an icon from the 90s and still is. She's thin, bandy-legged and has original teeth. Despite all these, she's an icon of a beauty and lots of women would like to look like her. She's been described as a normal girl with a twist. Maybe it's her personality that matters?
We have to mention another icon of the 90s and the beginning of 21st century – Angelina Jolie.
She's charismatic and mysterious but also pale and thin, Rubens wouldn't pay attention at all... But millions of women dream to be her.
Who do you think will be next dream girl of the decade? As you see there are no rules when it comes to be beautiful, even if you don't look like Angelina, it doesn't mean that you can't be a cannon of the beauty. If you want to make a try register with candi models and come for a photoshoot!

Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Everything You Should Know About Model Releases

When you will get some work in modelling you may be asked to sign a model release. A model release is a document in which you allow the photographer or the company he/she is doing the photos for, to use your images for commercial use. Without your agreement they won't do much with the photos. Note that the photographer is typically not the publisher of the photographs, but usually licenses the photograph to someone else to publish. It is typical for the photographer to obtain the model release because he is merely present at the time and can get it, but also because it gives him more opportunity to licence the photograph later to a party who wishes to publish it. Unless a photo is actually published, the need (or use) of a model release is undefined. And, since some forms of publication typically do not require a model release (e.g., news articles and other editorial use), the existence of a release is irrelevant. Note that the issue of model release forms and liability waivers is a legal area related to privacy and is separate from copyright.
However, the photographer when taking the photos – automatically owns the copyrights of his work and he decides whether share these copyrights or not.

Types of releases:

  • Adult Release: This is the form most commonly referred to as a "model release". The language of this release is intended for use by models over the age of 18 

  • Minor Release: This variant of the model release contains language referring to the model (who is a minor) in the third-person, and required signature by a parent or other legal guardian of the model. A release which is not signed by a parent or guardian affords no legal protection to the publisher
  • Group Release: This is a modified version of the Adult Release which includes additional signature lines to accommodate use by multiple models or subjects in a single image

If you're interested how the release may look like, please see example

Friday, 2 December 2011

Types Of Modelling: Commercial Modelling

Commercial modelling is a very big part of modelling but with fewer restrictions to size and height than fashion modelling. It is known also as character modelling.
Models working in commercial modelling can earn some money as they are selling their image to some products and this part of market usually has a lot of money.
The models are presenting and promoting products or services. Depending on the product the model should represent a target group but should be a bit more ideal, for example if the product is targeted to mothers or teenagers the model should look like an average mother/teenager but should have something interesting in the look. 

Commercial modelling usually is being displayed on product packagings, brochures, leaflets, billboards, posters and also is for TV commercials.

There is no specific height for a commercial model, it will depend on what the client wants and what the model can offer. For example if a client wants a head shot of a model smiling, for a tooth paste ad, they are not going to pay much attention to models shape or height. They would want an attractive, healthy looking face with a great set of pearly teeth. Usually the way you smile is quite important as most often models advertising different products are smiling. It doesn't mean there wouldn't be someone needing a sad or angry face in the commercial. For working in commercial modelling it's good to know how to present yourself, to know a bit of acting and be able to make different face expressions. The producers also pay attention to personality of the model because it reflects on the photos (especially if you have to look angry or disappointed on the picture). The model needs to be flexible when it comes to the look.

If you are not sure if you are appropriate for this type of modelling, sign up for a test shoot with Candi Models and try out how your face expressions look in front of professional photographers.

Monday, 28 November 2011

Types Of Modelling: Fashion Modelling


As the term 'modelling' brings lots of different understandings we have decide to take to pieces this term and tell you some more about the specific types of modelling. It is important to understand the type of model you want to be. By understanding the type of modelling you are interested in you can learn what the requirements are and if you can meet them.
Today we will tell you some more about Fashion Modelling.

The Garment and Beauty product industries are in huge need of models. People want to see what clothes or beauty products look like on somebody and they have to look very well. Your high-fashion, designer-label garments, are designed for what fashion designers view as the "ideal woman." This is someone tall and slim, and also very young. In major markets like New York, this is someone who is 5'9" to 6' tall and from a size 8 to a size 0 depending on what is in. For men it is at least 6 foot tall and a 40 regular - of course, you have to have that "look" to go with the clothes. In secondary markets we would like to have this but often work with fashion models that don't meet these measurements. It is more important you just have a look of being tall and slender and that the sample clothes will fit you. The "look" can run from classic beauty to some extreme looks for fashion.

Of course If you think about working in front of the camera, you need to be photogenic. The symmetry of the face is very important however some minor shortcomings can be retouched.

The Fashion Modelling is divided in following types:

FASHION EDITORIAL MODELLING -it's the modelling for magazines which focus on fashion and most often are published monthly. Editorial work usually is not paid (at least at first) but it gives you a change to get some reputation and build your experience. Also, they are not as strict when it comes to size requirements when choosing a model.

FASHION RUNWAY MODELLING – working in this industry you would be presenting new collections in front of potential buyers of designers. Depending on the show, the buyers will or will not buy the collection. That's why the restrictions for models here are very strict as their role in selling the clothes is crucial. That's why the designer wants to have the most ideal models they can get.

FASHION CATALOG MODELLING – this is quite big market as there are many clothing catalogs published. The models are being chosen based on target group that they would like to sell the clothes to. The model should be a nice representative of this group. You have a chance to earn money as the volume of photos which are being taken is very high.

FASHION PRINT MODELLING – this is print advertising of fashion and beauty products. The important thing is that by being displayed in public places somehow you will be selling your image which means you will be paid well because of that. This industry is looking for kinds of models which would suit the best the profile of their products.

BODY PART MODELLING – in this type of modelling the producer needs to use just a part of your body to advertise their products, if you think your feet or hands are not ideal enough and they need to take a close up photo of this part of the body, this is when feet or hand model jumps in. The most demanding and popular are hands models.

The list of fashion types modelling could go longer but these are the most important ones.
We hope you find these characteristics useful.

Friday, 25 November 2011

Modelling Tips For Fresh Models

We thought it might be actually useful to post some general rules when it comes to posing for photographic session. You may have known some of them but have a look just to be sure.


  • Don't hold your breath for a pose. The concentration usually shows in the picture.


  • Hold in your stomach to give a more toned appearance to the abdomen (even if you are in great shape).


  • Don't keep both arms entirely straight unless directed to do so for a specific pose. Bend one or both arms, even if only a little, to make the pose look less artificial. The same rule applies to the legs, don't keep both legs entirely straight.


  • Rest most of your weight on one foot or the other instead of evenly on both feet. Doing so makes poses look less artificial and gives a slight slimming effect in most positions.


  • When sitting or reclining, roll one hip up slightly from the resting surface so that most of your weight is on the back of one thigh or the other instead of evenly on both thighs. This gives a slight slimming effect and makes the pose look less artificial.


  • Don't always look straight at the camera. Instead, use a variety of head and eye positions: Try turning your head, tilting your neck to one side or the other, or looking off to the side for some poses.


  • Don't use a big smile for every pose. Sometimes try a small smile, a pout, a laugh, a scowl, or even a frown, to give some variety to your facial expressions.
  • Keep your chin up to avoid chin wrinkles or double chins.

Facial expression is one of the biggest influences to the mood of a photograph. The most subtle differences can make a model appear angry or happy.

Variety is extremely important, (the studio will look for variety as well as beauty!). Sporting the same facial in each shot can get very boring, and there are much smarter ways to carry a theme throughout a series of photos.

Mix it up a little. Being over the top can produce rich results, but can also lead to fake-looking photos. Subtle differences bring out the individuality in each face, so exploit them! Show the camera why your face is unique and special.

Listen to what the photographer tells you. He can see you through the camera. You can't.

Make sure you are committed; modelling is a very hard industry to get into.

Thursday, 24 November 2011

Animated Photography

Today we would like to present you something we find very interesting. 
New York Fashion Photographer Jamie Beck in collaboration with web designer Kevin Burg have presented recently an amazing gallery. 
They made an exhibition of photos which at first sight look just like professional photography shots. However when you look closer there is something about the photos, you just can't stop looking at them. They are animated 'GIFS'. 
The inventors called them 'cinemagraphs'. 
Basically they separated some parts of the pictures and made them move by putting into GIF file few pictures in sequence. It looks amazing. Because only one selected part of the picture is moving you still get the feeling of this being a photo as all the other things stand still. 
It looks like the photography reached another dimension. 
Of course you won't be able to print it and have this effect on paper but nowadays it's not a problem at all, with all the flat digital screens we simply replace paper with 'digital sheets'. their gallery got lots of reviews and all the Internet is talking about this phenomena. 
People love the concept. 
Does it mean that some other artists will continue to apply this technique?And soon the concept will be something we will be expecting from modern photography? 
Is it a new chapter of photography?

For more 'cinemagraphs' go to

Wednesday, 23 November 2011

What's Victoria's Secret?

Recently we could enjoy this year Victoria's Secret Fashion Show.
But it is not an usual fashion show - the best singers perform while the models present the costumes, everybody wants to find out what were this year costumes and arrangements and who got the chance to be victoria's secret angel. It is a spectacular performance.
As always the costumes were magnificent and models looked stunning.
All fashion world every year is waiting for this event and every model would like to be a part of this show. But being engaged to present the costumes is not enough. The models have to prepare properly for the show. Before each show the models don't eat food for 9 days, they drink only high protein cocktails. On twelve hours before the show they stop drinking even water. In addition they exercise twice a day. And it is not some easy exercise. They lift the dumbbells, they are boxing and they do the skipping rope. So it is a very hard work with lots of sacrifice. But at the end of the day they all say it is worth it. Adriana Lima said that after appearing on the Victoria's Secret show the models keep on receiving amazing work opportunities.  
Everybody wants to hire Victoria's Secret Angels. 
The show is like a fairy tale - the models are beautiful, the costumes are magical.

Lucky us, Victoria's Secret is planning to open a 16,500 square foot store on the capital's New Bond Street in 2012.
Fairly soon women across the country could be dressing like this ;)

Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Photo 3 Solutions Ltd in Kent SCAM?

Candi Models have decided to put an update to that post as we see that Photo 3 Solutions are very concerned about our company, they even pay more attention to damage us that to praise themselves, apparently they have nothing to offer but slander other companies. We hope you won't make up your minds based on one malicious person.

So who are these people out to tarnish and damage our hard built reputation? Well the primary culprit is a company called Photo3 Photography Solutions Ltd, which will shortly be landed with a £1m slander and defamation of character lawsuit, has posted defamatory comments about various studios online where it alludes to them being a scam.
Photo 3 Solutions are UK Kent Wedding Photographers and Andrew James is not a fashion photographer. He is simply a wedding photographer whose alleged 'fashion photography' amounts to little more than shooting topless girls. 
He is simply a vindictive, jealous and malicious party out to damage other studios.

He has done this merely in an attempt to steal clients from genuine organisations for his own profit.

Photo 3 Solutions work is very poor standard, make your own mind up by looking at the quality of their website.
All they do is slander other professional photographers for their own personal gain. In the last two years they were trying to slander the reputable photographic studios.

Photo 3 Solutions has been reported to an Agency Inspector at the BERR.

We have not been able to get the slanderous blog post withdrawn, this is mainly because we have no choice but to wait for  the legal procedure to take its natural course.

We hope everybody will keep in mind who is writing the bad comments about us and make his own mind based on your own experience what kind of company we really are.

Photo 3 Solutions Ltd
10 Broadview Avenue
ME8 9DB Kent

Candi Models - Modelling Advice

Candi Models helps point you in the right direction to get the most out of your modelling career. We help you with your porfolio and our experienced photographers advise on how to act and behave during a shoot and once the photos are available we run through an assessment to help you decide which area of modelling you’d best be suited. Our methods not only save a lot of heartache and rejection, but also time and money as you have direction and knowledge of who to target and how best to do it.

It’s also a check for you if you actually like this kind of work – changing clothes, make-up, posing for few hours. If you are hesitating if start a modelling career or if you are the right person for that, we are here to help you out. Coming to have a photo shoot would give you some experience on professional photo-shooting and get some nice, professional photos to have it as your portfolio. Once you have an understanding of the process and what is involved with getting started with modelling enter your details into the Candi Models registration form along with a recent picture of yourself or your child if registering on their behalf. We will then process the registration and if successful, one of our new faces team will be in touch to arrange a time and date for you to come into the studio. Check out our website:

Sunday, 13 November 2011

Advice from Candi Models – Child / Teenage Modelling

When applying to child modelling agencies they will require an up-to-date, clear, photograph of your child. Candi models can provide the photographs for your child’s portfolio ready to send on to the agency of your choice. We can offer advice and a critique of your child’s performance in front of the camera and advise on the best photos to use and in what order to do so.

Many parents take their children to a photographic studio and spend a lot of money having photographs taken without finding out what an agency needs from a photographic session and often the money spent is wasted. This is especially true of teenage modelling, mainly teenage girls who often have beautiful photographs taken which unfortunately make them look far older than they are. If you are applying to a child modelling agency, they will need your child to look their age or younger, not older. Avoid having photographs taken of your child in frilly dresses and/or uncomfortable clothing. Avoid fussy accessories like bow ties or bows in hair. Do not have your child’s photograph taken against a cluttered background, stood in buckets or sat in baskets. Do not dress them up in costumes! By all means we can do this for you if you wish for the family album or to give to friends and family, however our number one goal is to get your child prepared with the best portfolio and the best chance for getting that all important call back.

check out candi models at

Saturday, 15 October 2011

Candi Models on social media - Twitter / Facebook / Myspace

You can follow Candi Model at the folllowing place:

Candi Models - Twitter:

Candi Models - MySpace:

Candi Models - Facebook:

Modelling Advice - Getting Started.

The Team at Candi Models know that joining the modelling industry is not an easy task, even for the most beautiful, slim and confident, the competition is fierce and you will have to be prepared for rejection and waiting around on a daily basis. Candi Models also know that the rewards can be high, especially financially. If you get your place in the market you can start to make money quite early on in your career, be it part time or on a full time basis.

The shortest way to get into modelling is to prepare yourself for the crucial meeting with a modelling agency. Make sure your features look the best, get your portfolio ready with professional, quality pictures, Candi Models can sort this out for you and advise on the best poses and practices, we recommend our Candi Models - Model Experience days to learn how to approach the agency, how to act and behave, what they expect from you and then, finally contact a good, renowned modelling agency.

To help you in your journey to become a model, Candi Models provides modelling advice and guidance so your journey to success gets shorter.

Register with Candi Models by clicking here.

Friday, 14 October 2011

Avoid Modelling Scams

The Team at Candi Models have been put together to help you get started with your modelling career - our Candi Models new faces team review your application and if you are successful we will call you and explain how the day works at the studio. We work from the same London based studio and we do not travel round the country setting up shoots from hotels.

How to avoid modelling scams

Modeling scams are usually advertised in newspapers as photo-shoots for wanabee models/actors, taking place in hotels or pubs. A Genuine modelling agency generally don’t  advertise for new models in newspapers, or conduct photo-shoots in hotels and pubs. The genuine agencies take their cut from the fee the model gets from the client.

Register with Candi Models and let us help get you on the right path to starting your modelling career. Get started in modelling the right way.

Not everyone is suitable for modelling!

The wording advertising these modelling scams usually states that 'anyone is suitable', encouraging people to go along in the hope of becoming a model in reality there is a lot hard work and commitment involved to produce success, which of course is obvious to most sensible people. Their contract also states that should the prospect not hear from two agencies within a year, their money will be refunded in full. Lo and behold, two 'agencies' do get in touch, but with further requests for money to enable prospects to be included on the 'agency's' website, a website where no-one will find you! Sometimes the address of the follow-up 'agency' is at the same address as the company advertising the photo-shoot! How convenient and cosy for both parties in these modelling scams to be located in the same building! If it's from a different address, it could be because these modelling scams rogues share their prospect lists and take turns to follow people up. You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours.

In For The Kill
Registration with the 'agent' is usually around £180 and credit/debit card machines are prominently displayed, intimating legitimacy and a business-like attitude. If you pay via debit card, you have no redress from your card company; if you pay via cheque at least you can cancel the cheque, despite their promise of retribution! The modelling scammers will not want to run the risk of court action, for fear of exposing their lies, so I shouldn't worry too much on that score.

Legitimate modelling agencies do NOT advertise hotel photo shoots in newspapers. They have enough wanabee models/actors contacting them to ensure a steady stream of new talent, without the need to advertise.

If you register with Candi Models our new faces team review your application and if you are successful we then contact you to arrange an appointment and explain everything involved with the session, costs, requirements and any other information you’d like to know before you get involved.

Friday, 19 August 2011

Get involved with Candi models

Get involved with Candi Models - Candi Models helps point you in the right direction to get the most out of your modelling career. We help you with your modeling porfolio and our experienced photographers advise on how to act and behave during a modelling shoot and once the photos are available we run through an assessment to help you decide which area of modelling you'd best be suited. Our methods not only save a lot of heartache and rejection, but also time and money as you have direction and knowledge of who to target and how best to do it. We cover Child Modelling, Teenage Modelling, Catwalk models, Catalogue modelling, Male modelling click here to visit our website.

Monday, 8 August 2011

Model Experience Days

Candi Models can help you decide on the area of modelling that is best for you and focus on that to start with and if the opportunity arises for you to try out all the other areas then great, but lets get the ball rolling first. If you are unsure, register with Candi Models and we can advise on the best line of attack, bring you into our studio and put together your portfolio and work on the best technique to help you get your modelling career started on the right foot. Check out our website:

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