Saturday, 15 October 2011

Modelling Advice - Getting Started.

The Team at Candi Models know that joining the modelling industry is not an easy task, even for the most beautiful, slim and confident, the competition is fierce and you will have to be prepared for rejection and waiting around on a daily basis. Candi Models also know that the rewards can be high, especially financially. If you get your place in the market you can start to make money quite early on in your career, be it part time or on a full time basis.

The shortest way to get into modelling is to prepare yourself for the crucial meeting with a modelling agency. Make sure your features look the best, get your portfolio ready with professional, quality pictures, Candi Models can sort this out for you and advise on the best poses and practices, we recommend our Candi Models - Model Experience days to learn how to approach the agency, how to act and behave, what they expect from you and then, finally contact a good, renowned modelling agency.

To help you in your journey to become a model, Candi Models provides modelling advice and guidance so your journey to success gets shorter.

Register with Candi Models by clicking here.

1 comment:

  1. great useful info here. not for me, but may be for my little girl. :) following... and hope to see more posts! :)


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