Friday, 23 March 2012

Pros and Cons Of Getting Into Modelling

If you're not sure whether you could live a life of a model or it might be something not suitable for you, we've prepared a list of pros and cons which could help you to make up your decision.

The negative aspects of modeling include:

    •    Not getting paid a lot of money at the beginning.
    •    You may not have work for a few weeks which will also reduce your finances dramatically.
    •    You will have to diet all the time to remain trim and healthy.
    •    You must also make sure you exercise which is negative if you hate exercising.
    •    Most of the work involves long hours, lots of standing, and having to pose for the camera all day.
    •    It can become boring and tiring depending on the job you are doing and how often you are needed. You can spend all day on a movie set and only shoot your scene for an hour.

The positive side to modeling is that:

    •    You can be included in fashion and cosmetics.
    •    You have the chance to meet many interesting people.
    •    You can become famous and internationally recognized.
    •    If you work hard, you have the opportunity to earn lots of money.
    •    You can be the first to wear fabulous designer clothes, shoes, and accessories.
    •    You can get a personal trainer and dietician to help you keep in shape.
    •    You get to do something that you love as your career.

If everything is clear now and you still feel like modelling is something you might be interested in, get in touch!

1 comment:

  1. Hmm.....still hesitating if it's too hard for me..


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