Friday, 27 January 2012

Freelance Modelling

Freelance modelling is seriously hard work but if you can find your own jobs you won't have to pay that commission to a modelling agency that the others do. The spoils are yours and the satisfaction is totally unique. It's a great feeling to have set yourself up with and completed a job, that you found in the first place.

Requirements for agency-independent models are totally flexible and only depend on what the photographer has in mind. Obviously, demand for certain looks, shapes, sizes and age groups varies.

Work can be anything from portfolio work to artistic work, clothed or nude, pro photographers and amateurs, and increasingly for stock photography. This type of work falls into paid work and for time, and can be an opportunity for models, who do not make it with one of the large agencies or who want to pursue modelling as a part-time career.

If you want to become a freelance model, you will need a portfolio.

To advertise yourself to photographers, you can place adverts in some of the photography magazines aimed at amateur photographers, you can send out comp cards to professional photographers or you can use the Internet. You may have your own website or you may show your portfolio on one of the reputable modelling sites, such as Model Mayhem, Musecube or OMP.

The Internet is a wonderful thing - make use of the social networking sites to market yourself. But you must be organised and business like minded, make appointments and stick to them; Maintain your list of contacts and keep in contact with Photographers. There are no constraints in being a Freelance Model – age weight and height are your own choice but it will limit the jobs available to you.

Freelance models have a tough job. You act as your own modeling agent, find your own work and do your own payroll. There are definite advantages as well as disadvantages to being freelance but for those models who are actively doing it or if you’ve been toying with the idea of freelance. It all depends on your personality and how you will manage to find jobs for yourself. If you feel you could do it than definetely you should give it a try!


  1. freelance work is the best beacause you choose your hours and can choose where u wanna work

  2. Ive done some freelance work for a hair salon and I used my portfolio from candi models to get the job too! well chuffed!

  3. i cant take people telling me what to do so i am a freelance model now and i love it
    i am my own boss.

  4. freelance work is great but often hard to come about. I love how your posts offer models starting up all the information they need

  5. freelance work is ideal if u have a lot on,,, it allows u to work when u want and where u work.... pays well too!

  6. As a professional freelance model, the best advice I can give is that my success really has alot to do with having a decent portfolio. It shows agencies that you are professional and serious about your career. Good luck guys :)


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